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5 Top Tips on How to beat the January Blues | Onpoint Fitness

Top Tips on How to beat the January Blues | Onpoint Fitness

Posted in Fitness

After the excitement and bustle of the Christmas season, it is completely natural to feel a little down at this time of the year. January, the month of cold weather, dark mornings and (possibly) failing in our New Year’s resolutions collide to create “January Blues”. Typically, January Blues manifests itself as feelings of low mood, sadness, lack of motivation, tiredness and low energy. It is also the peak season for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which can induce serious depressive episodes during the darker months. 

Blue Monday, so-called the most depressing day of the year, falls on January 16th this year. It is typically the third Monday of the month and it is supposedly the saddest day of the year, due to a combination of bad weather, long nights and lingering aftermath of the festive period. 

The least upbeat day on the calendar has taken on new meaning in 2023, as many of us are experiencing an increased level of stress and uncertainty due to financial difficulties and challenges which we are all having to cope with. Instead of giving into “The January Blues”, why not learn how to beat them? Here are our tips for giving yourself the best start to 2023.

Understand that this is normal

There are biological reasons why many people feel low and lack energy during January and there is nothing ‘wrong’ with having these feelings. Many people will be going through the same or similar feelings, but you may not realise it. Understanding that it is a natural response is helpful. 

The restrictions we had due to COVID-19 and the impact these had on our connections with other people meant we had to adapt how we interact with each other. But it’s really important that since these restrictions have been lifted, that we continue to have face to face social interactions with our friends, family and colleagues so that we feel connected and supported by each other. 

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Get as much daylight as possible

Lack of daylight is partly why people suffer from “The January Blues”. Not getting enough sunlight and Vitamin D, has been shown to decrease our happiness and leaves us feeling down in the dumps. The sunlight can make you feel better and also help to regulate your sleep cycles properly. Exposure to natural light increases the level of serotonin in the brain, which is associated with improved mood. Our team training classes include outdoor exercise using our purpose built outdoor gym and the beautiful surroundings of the Hertfordshire countryside.

Keep fit and stay active 

Regular exercise has been proven to reduce stress, help improve self-esteem levels and relieve depressive tendencies as exercise releases endorphins which gives your body a positive feeling of happiness. The exercise can take any form,  from a brief lunchtime walk, to taking part in our fitness classes.

Avoid unrealistic New Year’s resolutions

One of the reasons why people suffer from the January Blues is that they are overly ambitious with their New Year’s resolutions and are left feeling unhappy when they can’t fulfil them. Making resolutions to better yourself is a good thing, but make sure they are things you can stick to. An Onpoint personal trainer can help you build some realistic targets into your schedule and provide the accountability you need to make sure you achieve them.

To find out more about starting your health and fitness journey with Onpoint, please contact us today.

Further reading