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5 Top Tips on how to kick start your new health and fitness regime in 2023

5 Top Tips on how to kick start your new health and fitness regime in 2023

Posted in Fitness

There’s no better time to start afresh than the start of a new year.

For some of us, the new year will be about looking for a new job or beginning a new relationship with a tingly sense of excitement on what the year may bring. We spring clean the house, clean the car, clear out all the old tat and memories to create a clean slate.

For others, the start of a new year means it’s time to sort themselves out and start a new health and fitness regime. The simple solution is to join your local gym but the reality is that there’s a reason you’re not already a member and it’s very likely to continue that way come February.

Instead, we recommend taking a good look back at your 2022 and the reasons why you never joined that gym. It’s time to think about all the bad habits you had and look to replace them with new improved habits which will have a positive impact on your wellbeing in 2023.

We’ve put together 5 simple tips that you could squeeze into the busiest of schedules but will set you on the right track.

Stay Hydrated

We could all do with drinking a bit more water, so make your first goal to drink a good 1.5 litres a day. Keep a bottle on your desk and work your way through it over the day. Staying hydrated is key to good health. For example, water promotes cardiovascular health, helps your muscles and joints work better and it cleanses your body - inside and out. Drinking adequate amounts will almost instantly improve the way you look and feel.

You are what you eat (and drink)

It’s an old adage but it’s so true! 

A diet needs 3 things to be successful. Enjoyability, flexibility and sustainability. If you don't enjoy what you’re eating and it’s not convenient with your existing lifestyle then it will not be sustainable and as a result, you will quit. Calories are king but more important are the reasons you struggle to maintain a calorie deficit. Our job as coaches is to help you understand what might be causing the problem and create solutions to better manage it. 

Increase Activity

You don’t need to join a gym to get fit and drop a few pounds. All exercise works, so it’s important to find something that you enjoy and that fits into your schedule so you can keep doing it. Being more active during the day will always have better results than going through an hour of pain at the gym. Simple things like taking the stairs rather than the lift or walking a bit further to grab lunch will help. If you can do that daily then it will all add up over the year. Think of it more like a marathon than a sprint.

Manage Stress and Sleep

Some may see this as an impossible task, especially with the pressures of modern day living, and as a parent, this is something I could do with improving myself. The crazy thing is, even the smallest improvement will produce a positive outcome. Infact, for positive benefits, I would go as far as to say it’s ranked higher that the exercise you do and well up there with a good balanced diet. We all know how good it feels when you get a good night’s sleep so anything you can do to help is going to give you a boost. 

We share tips with our members like, scheduling in a regular bed time and trying to stick to it. Avoiding late night distractions, in particular mobile phones and box sets. Keeping light pollution to a minimum in your bedroom, so no LEDs or lights from your phones helps (just keeping your phone face down while it’s charging will help).

As for stress, this is a tough one. Most stress comes from either work, finances or relationships. Unfortunately, we’re not qualified to instruct on all of these but we always advise you to have a good think about what you’re doing and whether it truly makes you happy or is a hindrance to your health and wellbeing - sometimes this can be easier said than done though.

Call in the experts to help with your new fitness plan

Our final tip would be to join OnPoint. No seriously. We’re not like other gyms. You won’t find yourself sold a dream only to be left to follow that rainbow on your own. You won’t find yourself being judged on your ability or appearance. You won’t find any of us filming you when you are doing something wrong and posting it on social media. (Honestly, what has my industry become!?)

Instead, you will be coached, supported and inspired to be a better version of yourself. Not just by our team of personal trainers but also by the community of members who are in the same boat as you.

OnPoint has such a diverse clientele. In the same class we can have a 20 year old paired with a 60 year old and no one bats an eyelid. They just listen to the instruction and get on with it, supporting and pushing each other to achieve.

So rather than waste your money on a year long gym contract that you can’t get out of, save your money, make a few changes at home and consider joining a local fitness club like OnPoint instead. Don’t just take my word for it, you can read for yourself what our members have to say here

We offer a week’s free trial to new members at our little gym in Hertford and membership includes access to a wide range of team training classes including HIIT, Kickboxing and Strength Training, Give us a call, I promise you won’t regret it.

Further reading