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5 Tips to Stay Fit This Winter

Posted in Fitness

The winter months can be a challenging time to stick to an exercise plan. The weather is colder, the days feel shorter and other priorities can make it hard to establish a routine. 

While exercise in winter may be tough, it is very important for your physical and mental health. So, we have put together some tips to help you keep in shape over the winter;

Set some goals. Setting small, achievable targets will help keep you motivated to exercise and stay in shape. Have a think about what it is you need to achieve... Do you want to be able to play with the kids more? Do you want to feel healthier? Do you want to be able to pick something up by yourself? By starting with goals in mind, you are more likely to succeed.

Bring fitness indoors. During the winter months, you may not be able to exercise outside as much as you would like to, but there are many ways to stay active and warm. You can walk laps whilst window shopping, take a fitness class at the gym, lift some weights, or even work out to a video at home. The most important thing is that you find something that you enjoy. If you’re having fun, you will be more likely to stick to it.

Partner up! Enlist your friends and family as exercise partners. If you set a date to meet a friend at the gym, you’re much more likely to follow through. Instead of meeting a friend for a coffee, consider an exercise date. You could meet and go for a walk. Try stepping out of your comfort zone by taking a dance or yoga class. Exercise can be social and fun.

Pencil it in. Be deliberate about scheduling exercise and fitting it in, even when you’re busy. Once you write down exercise in your calendar, it becomes part of your schedule for the day and this can help you achieve your fitness goal. Additionally, track your exercise in a log. Seeing your achievements and progress will be very motivating.

Don’t let a lack of time get you down. When your schedule is busy, remind yourself that exercise does not have to take long. There are many simple ways to increase your physical activity. Instead of using an escalator or elevator, take the stairs. Park your car further away from the building to increase your steps. When your favorite song comes on the radio, have a little dance. It's important to have fun with it.

Throughout the winter, there’s no need to hibernate! It’s still possible to stay active and exercise. It doesn't need to be long gym sessions every day, even five or ten minutes of movement can help with weight loss, improve your mood, and increase your heart health. 

Remember your goals for exercising, get a friend involved, find an activity you enjoy, and get moving!

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Further reading